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Tim Silverwood

Ocean Impact Organisation

Tim Silverwood is an award-winning environmentalist committed to reducing human impacts on the natural world. A keen surfer, Tim became alarmed at the risks plastic pollution posed to oceans and wildlife, co-founding the not-for-profit organisation ‘Take 3 for the Sea’ in 2009. Take 3 mobilises people across the globe to respond to the plastic pollution crisis by taking 3 pieces of plastic with them when they leave natural environments.

After ten years building Take 3 into a social movement and successful charity, Tim co-founded Ocean Impact Organisation (OIO) in 2020. OIO is Australia’s first ocean impact ecosystem and startup accelerator helping people to start, grow and invest in businesses that positively impact the ocean. Tim’s focus and mission with OIO is to support and accelerate startups working on scalable solutions to transform ocean health.

In 2011, Tim sailed 5000km across the North Pacific Ocean to study the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch, sharing his experiences through a popular TEDx talk on his return. Tim has appeared in feature documentaries, TV shows and is a regular fixture in news and media promoting positive action to preserve the natural world. Tim is a passionate presenter, commentator and facilitator who has delivered over 300 talks and workshops to businesses, government agencies, schools, communities and conferences including South by Southwest Eco in Austin, Texas and the Our Ocean conference in Washington D.C.

Tim delivers a firm, reasoned and insightful case for ‘business as unusual’ to create an abundant and sustainable future for Planet Ocean and its inhabitants.

    Tim Silverwood
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