Henry Gordon Smith
Spanning the globe from birth, Hong Kong to all across Europe, Asia, and the Americas Henry Gordon-Smith is a sustainability strategist focused on urban agriculture, water issues, and emerging technologies. With a background in PoliSci ( from UBC), Food Security and Urban Agriculture at Ryerson and an MSc in Sustainability Management from Columbia University in NY, Henry applied his knowledge in response to a global need for technology-agnostic guidance on urban agriculture by launching the advisory firm Agritecture Consulting which has now consulted on over 200 urban agriculture projects in over 35 countries. Agritecture Consulting primarily helps entrepreneurs with vertical farming feasibility studies, recruiting, and systems design. In 2018, Henry was voted top 10 in Produce (USA) and 40 under 40 food policy influencers (NYC). In 2019 followed by a top 20 influencer in food and agriculture by Rabobank later that year. Henry serves on a number of advisory boards including for the not-for-profit food access organization Teens for Food Justice in NY. Henry continues to give back by speaking to students and media internationally while serving as a Guelph University Food Policy Fellow and an advisor to the Ryerson University urban agriculture and food security curriculum development committee. Henry was recently elected to the EFUA innovation board focused on urban agriculture policy in the EU.